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@reynauddude veggie nut burgers? well it can't be as bad as i imagine because i'm imagining it tasted like death! ugh.
@stushmusic remember hold the "first born" option out until the last possible second, lol
espnradio is playing the theme song to the munsters tv show. an awesome theme song. top 15 easy!
@ElementsOfJazz it's good to hear that you got some sleep. don't burn out now.
@BlueNote825 nope. the 2 train into the city.
@tracytruesdale LMBO! I resisted for about 3 stops but I could hold out one more stop. Our whole train car was like "son, srsly!?!" lol
@ElementsOfJazz Morning Luv. How you doing today? How much sleep did you get last night? Like 3 hours? lol. You're always online luv lol.
i just couldn't resist. this guy was killing us on the train ride this morning, lmbo!!
Wonder if these eBay stores around here are seeing a bump in biz since ppl are cash strapped and might be willing to sell their stuff now.
Just realized that in the melée of my life I missed Obama's address. Need to check that today. Somebody remind me around 7:30PM, lol.
Train issues forces a detour. Ugh. And they want us to pay even more for this crappy service? It's going to be ugly. Hmm already is. On bus.
good morning. back from walking xerk. about to get ready for work but i had to take a look a the new wolverine trailer. it looks real good.
Watching 30 Rock online. I forgot how funny this show was and is. It's been too long Liz Lemon.
I see ppl on Twitter following 1000's of ppl. You know there is no way they're paying attention to tweets from 1000's of ppl. Why do it?
heading home to walk xerk. i hope he didn't just go off and trash the place.
@misssmith11 i know you are but what am i? lol!
A YouTube Fav: Christian African Gospel Group Acapella Childrens Choir
@jyoseph lol! you need to work out in order to get thru your exercises. you know that! lol.


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