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McDonald's, I don't care how many times you ask, I will NOT become a "nug-nut." Ugh I feel vaugely dirty even *saying* it...
@hidama I aim to please
@hidama maybe it it were warmer... :-D
I had to scrape the INSIDE of my windshield. Someone bring me the head of Old Man Winter.
OK, I'm going home. I need to take off my cranky pants, it seems...
Capt. Obvious' headline of the day: Illinois politics no stranger to controversy.
@hidama I dig that, but did you notice the flickr icon in the Web 2.0 origami?
Surprising fact from #crunchberry presentation: 82% of Americans pay attention to then news, sometimes inadvertant.
OK, Obama team, you're now marked as spam. Why? How about trying to sell me a $25 winter hat as "change?"
RT @jkristufek: live blogging/video of the @crunchberry presentation. info at live blog at
@cc_chapman I thought about using it, but not enough people around here do, so it isn't v. useful
@hidama ha! That's why I don't keep one...
RT @Suntimes: BREAKING NEWS: Obama calls on #Blagojevich to resign
RT @gazetteonline: We're getting ready for the day's second live chat, this time about putting together the flood book:
@toddadamson or I have the motor skills of a 5 year old...
RT @jkristufek: will be live blogging the @crunchberry presentation in Cedar Rapids on at 1:30 p.m. CST Link to follow.
@toddadamson oh, that is bad. I just have round-tipped scissors. What does that say about me?
@mollyr Just idle speculation.
Am wondering what item on my desk would be most deadly.


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