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Just got home. I left work at 8:15. I hate Chicago and snow.
@Deutlich you can have mine. It's preventing me from going home!
@kylabea maybe If I wasn't driving. Unfortunately, I am. Blah I just wanna go home!
I'm going to be stuck at work super late then take forever to get home. You're ruining my life snow.
I'm definitely not looking forward to driving home. Anyone in Chicago know how 94E looks?
The DoggieLicious gourmet dog treat giveaway on Oh How Lovely Shops ends tomorrow. Have you entered yet?
@reneeborhood I was thinking if I could find a recipe for clay we could make ornaments. Or handprints with name/date for parents!
looking for a good holiday craft for my kids I nanny. Anyone know recipes for some dough, I can bake and have them paint?
Got tons of great iPhone app suggestions in my comments today, if you're looking for some. Now to download some!
@amyguth oh god. hopefully they get it cleaned up before I leave work later!
@missheidi You can have it all, Heidi! I don't want any of it. Snow storms suck :(
Yay! Thank you twitter friends for all your iPhone help!
First tweet from iPhone?
@reneeborhood I bet! It's going to be even worse when I leave work and it's piled up a couple more inches. Boo Chicago!
It is going to be hell driving home at 6:30 tonight if this snow keeps up considering Chicago loses it's shit when there is precipitation.
@rachieann ahhh okay, thanks! I didn't know that!
do you need to enter your iTunes info do download an app for iPhone?
How come when I download an iPhone app (twitterific), it is telling me I have the wrong itunes store password? I'm confused!


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