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Ahh, Webshots just realised they were promoting circumvention of their own encryption on pro shots by linking to WBZ Helper. Inescapable.
The temperature is such, that I just can't decide if a hot or cold drink would be nicer. Ah! The solution—I'll undress and have a hot one.
Any NCR based .NET outfits that might be interested in investing some time in PictureSync for Windows? I'm considering my options, ping me.
Can't say I approve of Facebook putting 'fan of' info on your public search page. Also friends info can be scraped (there's randomisation).
Double dang, it was Danish. Those Nordic languages, I ask you. Why can't they just be unrelated and easily distinguishable…
Dang, I mistook Norwegian for Swedish. I used to be so good at telling them apart…even though I can't read them. Small sample size perhaps....
I'm so glad I don't throw old apps away. That 7-year old copy of 'MaxBulk Mailer-X' worked perfectly. Not sure NCSA Mosaic still would.
Holy Goat! I've not had a grilled cheese sandwich since I was under 10. But just made this—
Woe be thy Mac that can only get as far as displaying the top third of the crash screen before giving up.
Also if you're following me for PictureSync related news and not my egoistical drivel, you may now follow @PictureSync instead. Hurrah!
It's not right that clicking send will put my message into ~7,000 mailboxes. Bulk mailers are scary. I'd never be a good spammer.
Heh, I just accidentally spelled pounce as pownce. FAIL.
I love (potential!) PictureSync users who chastise providers for me of their own accord. And today I hate APIs—actually, always have!
@nxt Your wish will be granted in Pixelpipe's next build ;)
I think my laptop is telling me to be euthanise it. It can't even stay asleep for a few hours now. Hooray for browser window autosave!
It's a lazy Sunday. Hawks surf the heatwaves in the ocean of blue above. Bliss teases my ears. My skin permeates the aroma of garam masala.
I really don't like faxing my passport and card to random numbers. Email, I don't mind. But if it gets me an SMS to Web gateway, I'll do it!
Great balls of fire!! That's the first and last time I make a home-made body scrub from any old spice in an Indian kitchen. But smells good.
There's nothing I enjoy more than lazing in the sun with music and taking in deep heady breaths of air carrying the exotic aroma of sewage.
Holy effin shite. The Pound is only buying 71 Rupees (high was 85 a month ago). Maybe I need a Dollar account.


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