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Having James Frey intern at Gawker is like having Obama intern at HuffPo.
The new I'm Just Sayin Show is all about photoshopped pictures of women:
You Know You're On Facebook Too Much When.... when you accept party requests before they even arrive in your inbox.
Just returned from Michael Wolff's book release party, which was packed with people who you could tell were writing blurbs in their head.
Okay, how many of you are also humming "Jizz in My Pants" at this very moment?
I'm really fucking tired of your funny, self-deprecating, helpful, fun-to-be-around attitude.
My liver filed a restraining order on me this weekend.
Was happy to give @rachelsklar her b-day gift tonight. She's typing on it right now.
"So do you want us to write about you more or less?" -Nick Denton. "Wait, I get a choice in this matter?" -Me.
Cab driver totally smoking weed on my ride home. Okay, NYC, I finally love you.
Does it make me a celebrity whore for wanting one of those Shiba Inus from the puppy cam?
"Just looking at your history / You're like the girl in 'Misery'."
I feel such camaraderie with Kanye when he sings "You're just a spoiled little L.A. girl."
Your link is my command.
So you're sayin it wasn't a compliment when you said I act like Peter Pan? Huh.
Today's "I'm Just Sayin," with special guest @caroliiine, is all about Twitter:
The terrorists have won if you say "the terrorists have won" one more time.
The Evil Starbucks Lady just stared at me like I hadn't showered in two days. How did she know?
Trying to decide what to read at the "True Sex Confessions" event I've been asked to read at. This is a disaster waiting to happen!


Biz Stone Evan Williams ario veen Dennis Crowley Jason Shellen Buzz Andersen Noah seanbonner David Gutowski tedr Nick Douglas Liz Dunn Shelly Farnham Scott Beale Jackson West Dave Winer harryh Michael Sippey Kyle Bunch Paul Cloutier Cameron Marlow Matt Jacobs Justine Megan McCarthy kristen crusius Chuck Olsen Steve Woolf Veronica Belmont Zadi Diaz Meg Hourihan fake mat honan ashleystar Wilson Miner Tom Coates Nicole Lee
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