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Off to SF to GBN event.
@vangeest got them. thanks - looks cool.
@ToddGailun Something of a reply to Nick Carr's piece "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" Looks at tech, intelligence, and culture.
@senatorgrant will probably require a rewrite, yeah.
Oh hell no. Remember the piece I wrote in September for THE ATLANTIC magazine? Orig sched for Nov, then Jan/Feb... now due out in August.
@kitode I suspect that era labels get applied mid-stream. Post-Web 2.0? Probably. But what to call it? Not clear yet. Hasn't crystallized.
New post: Legacy Futures
heading to iftf,@traffic at near standstill. thrillsville.
Posted my slides from Global Catastrophic Risks conf last month.
@jeffreymcmanus Is there a Muffy the Daggit companion app?
@hrheingold great syllabus, Howard. The last item (Mindmapping) is locked off, though. Requires password to see.
@mfcrawford I think you can conclude that, yes.
@myrlueck Hardly. I'm just not beholden to the new simply because it's new. It needs to be new *and improved* to get my vote.
@myrlueck Only the original DEATHRACE 2000, please. With David Carradine and Sylvester Stallone. And points for running over people.
@mfcrawford A bloodsport with real weapons and killing, televised. With "experience points."
New post: on evolving global power models.
Dinner: Chirashi. First sushi I've had since Japan last month. Verdict: not bad.
@ToddGailun I'd be cautious about drawing too much of a distinction between digital & real selves. They're more blended than dualism allows.


Jerry Michalski danah boyd Xeni Jardin Matt Jones Emily Davidow WDavidStephenson Jeffrey McManus Mark Frauenfelder Euan Semple Justin Hall molly Mark Patrick Finnern Sean Ness julian Mike Love Anthony heather Jane McGonigal Fake Henry Rollins Rafe Mike Liebhold Matt David Orban Annalee Newitz jjg Sexerati Katie Fehrenbacher Micah Sifry KentBye Iván Cavero Belaunde DJ Fadereu Mark Wallace Noah John Swords FakeJerry Paffendorf Irene Kaoru
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