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serious WTF moment from the australian government regarding their carbon pollution reduction scheme... only 5% at 2020? laaaaaaaame
@kevinruddpm 5%? geez, I think that australia could reduce that much just by having our polititians hold their breath for a minute or two
@kevinruddpm @TurnbullMalcolm to put this into perspective: Australia 5% reduction in 2020. Mexico? 50% reduction in 2050! Embarrasment!
@KevinRuddPM WTF? only 5% reduction in emissions says australian government? WTF... serious letdown from Rudd
I woke today feeling like I had run 100 miles... while I was asleep
like the new gmail to-do list. Want it to link to google notebook as well
not that I'm counting or anything, but I have 8 days left to go :)
#google loving the new gmail google desktop gadget, but now I want a similar one for reader... Google, make it happen, I command thee! :)
the new gmail gadget for google desktop is beyond awesome #gmail
@kateandrews ahhh inhabitating; I inhabitate, you inhabitate, we inhabitate :)
Inhabitat's green guide is rocking. Everyone on the site did a bang up job. Gifts for everyone, even the non-gifters
@ecogeek sorry, couldn't help but laugh at wal-mart's "commitment". I then realised that such is the mindset of most of us. Sad, but true
@elaineishere thanks, this is actually quite helpful to some work that we will be doing soon (says he, in a mysterious voice :)
@elaineishere which study was that? do share! re:water efficient fixtures
want to give green gifts, even if you are against buying gifts, you must check out Inhabitat's gift guide. It rocks.
Wow. They finally turned on the hot weather in sydney. Darn it's hot tonight.
He gave the Australia and the world the Sydney Opera House. Rest in peace Jan Utzon
I have just finished watching... The Karate Kid. Yes, it is still a good movie, just agree with me, you all know it to be true :)
Explanation of why Doctor Who is awesome TV: "The cavalry arrives — literally, on a horse. Through a mirror from an alien spaceship."
This sentence illustrates perfectly well why Doctor Who


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