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I know I have said this before, but this week, it is appropriate yet again: Do you ever feel like the universe is just fucking with you?
@mamikaze NOW you're thinking!!
@mamikaze Super Glue is so much more effective.
@GoonSquadSarah ::shudder:: now I'm gonna have Caillou flashbacks all day. Oh, the whiiiinneeee....
My Starbucks closed! It was open last week & now it isn't. That is so not cool. They should really warn a girl!
@macaroniandglue You must be getting the thunderstorm that passed thru here a couple of hours ago. Good times.
@rocksinmydryer My 5y/o sings "Feliz Navidad" as "Police Dobby Dob." Like some warped law enforcement carol. (Sorry to bring up Christmas)
@oldsillybear I hear that if you know the secret word, you can get one of those tranquilizer dart guns from Amazon.
New Post: Cynical much??
@Busymom That's just wrong. I hate it when they do that.
Weather is very schizophrenic today. cloudy/cold...sunny...cloudy/sprinkling...sunny...cloudy again. Commit already!
@texasdave777 Just wish prices had been this low when I was having to drive back & forth to DFW every weekend. $150/wkend was killing me!
Filled up my van today for less than $25. So bizzare. But in a good way...NOT complaining at all.
Just because it's Monday,does that mean that I am required to have a headache?! If so, I hate that rule.
Beautiful, awarm sunny day. hard to believe it is going to be crappy weather in 2 days!
trying not to die from sinus pain.
Playing with my new iPod touch! Touch keyboard a little hard to get used to. But
Hey look! Bedtime for crazy children! WOO HOO!
@jc14 OOOH! Lucky you! Will you share?


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