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@pfmiller0 Sure! I know someone who has one on his ThinkPad :-)
@ruby must be reading your tweets. Their December newsletter is all about dishwasher troubleshooting and repair! :-)
@jazzychad Also, most mobos have software that can monitor voltage, ASUS is called 'ASUS PC Probe' Voltage may be fine until load increases
@jazzychad Are you sure it's not the power supply? A week or underpowered PS can cause random reboots.
Today is Arthur C. Clarke's birthday
@lancearmstrong No twitpics for a few days? Some of us are suffering withdrawal symptoms. Please post one soon thanks :-)
@dcm Have you ever been in one? It's awful.I think I aged a year for each hour I was inside.Glad to be graduated from birthday parties there
@GinnySkal Now you also need to try 'Brown Cow'. My wife was a Stonyfield addict until she tried BC
Second day of my virtual classroom class. Look where the students are from
@GinnySkal So what was your favourite brand previously?
Just got invited to join early adopter testing of Lotus Notes 8.5. Guess what I'm already running :-)
@base10 Film? You mean real film?
@RobertP I KNEW that was gonna happen! The scary part for McCain &RNC are the PC's & BB's the buyers are keeping found secrets to themselves
@gneissness I've seen that before. It is total coolness indeed
@ruby Two clementines says he doesn't call
I am taking a technical class on line this week, instructor is in LA and her assistant is in Cairo Egypt. Technology shrinks the globe.
I see @dgtlpapercuts on today's front page of the N&O


Wayne Sutton Abby Brian Russell Ruby Sinreich Vinnie Lauria Jackson Fox Paul Jones Kevin Gamble James Governor David Millsaps Robert Peterson Justin kellypuffs Ian Hughes Steve Burnett Andy Piper Roo Reynolds Martin Packer beebo wallace Ryan Luis Suarez Barack Obama Kipp Bodnar Chris Daniel Beck Tench (10ch) John Cass kapil gupta Brian Olore Robbie Link Matthew McFalls Sonja Foust Michael Rowe Leigh Jay Hicks xri://=corey Nathan L. Walls Hugh Hollowell
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