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Interesting service, but epic name FAIL: (is it a poodle? feudal? futile? A futile feudal poodle?!)
@rebeccakelley burping chicken quesadilla is at least a lot better than er, nevermind. Thanks for sharing, though! Foodingly yours, as usual
@berghausen I was wise enough to never think about taking the Bar, despite getting a JD/MBA. I was much happier than fellow law students :)
@johnbattelle For me, following's not inherently reciprocal, but rather, it's an invitation to explore. Seems strange as an obligation.
@stefanotti Good luck! I somehow made it through the SAT, GMAT, & LSAT, & I'm sure you'll do fine! Testingly yours, a former gshuttle buddy
@alyssathepissa (re: "why is everyone pregnant?") -- I don't know, but I didn't do it!
I will not eat an hour before yoga. I will not eat an hour before yoga. I will not eat an hour before yoga. I will not eat an hour before...
@anildash next you're gonna tell us it's "yeah" and not "ya" or "yah" or "yeh" ;)
@JimGoodrich Push whichever service you think is most customer-friendly, or, more specifically, which has the best buying experience.
@beahburger Costco can be worth it if you see a major purchase in your near future, like car tires. Also, if you like buying food in bulk :)
@zephoria I'm guessing the guy was saying that his company bought Facebook ADS! Or maybe it was Ev & Twitter is finally buying Facebook? :P
I'm recently back in Mountain View (from Beijing) & I just found & posted: me, singing a cappella, nearly 2 decades go!
Like swing music? Like the news? Er, okay, maybe just big band music to a rather strange "news" video? Check it out!
Using a credit card overseas? No, you're not getting freebies. I've found it takes up to a week for the charges to show up :\
Kudos to Twitter, Friendfeed, and Facebook for doing a good job handling spammers quickly and efficiently! Much appreciated :-)
Water main broke, my throat is sore, but I've got a Lindt chocolate bar, hear me roar! :)
YouTube and "inspiring"? I'd frankly not usually put those in the same sentence. But this? - inspiring. I might sign up!
Crappy hotel entrees: $8-30+. Delicious & filling soup w/ pork, noodle, egg, cilantro at corner takeaway place here in Beijing: $2.
I am desperately trying to convince my Beijing hotel that, no, I do not want a massage. My phone is blinking & I want my voicemail MESSAGE.


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