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Just got to parents house its slick out there
Approaching gw br
Seeing lots of cops
After 7y nyc skyline still makes me mad
Njtp slow
Njtp clr so far
Heavy traffic in del
Ft mchenry tunnel clr
trying to get to Mass. btw storms
@susan_s_smith Good morning. Thanks very much.
adding bail-out analysis to "Slaying Leviathan"
@susan_s_smith Do you have cite for Bush saying Constitution means nothing? Thanks!
@usrbinperl Of course, TARP itself is unConstitutional.
Bush trashes Constitution
watching Bush XLIII trash-talk the free market
Let me get this straight: Jeremiah Wright shouldn't be an issue, but Rick Warren should?
writing re: why bail-outs don't help taxpayers
getting ready to head home to Mass. for Christmas


davegray Wayne Sutton Angie Clay Smith Mack D. Male Brad Davis Seal jeevs sinclair Dobromir Hadzhiev Kathy Johnson Tyler Cooper adam ignazio Martin Hall michael lambie Alfonso Surroca brent Erika Hall Manuel Viloria Jim Kleckner WDavidStephenson Antonio Edward Eric Christensen (jeff)isageek Jay Scott Hurff Clay Johnson Dave Morin mike k Jason Calacanis Ben Carlos Granier Kaustubh Srikanth Dug Falby George Brett Elmo biverson
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