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American's be CIVIL after the election is over.
Bay Buchanan is DELUSIONAL. Palin is the BEST VP Pick EVER - like EVER EVER. Anderson give her back her CRACK pipe
Palin makes me want to vomit. But how can you hate someone who believes that the WWE is for REAL
Happy `O
@Varian_David McCain is the real elitest. Dude's wife is RICH. Her $300,000 outfit Palin WAS use to Walmart not anymore
Water cooler talk "McCain paid $150,000 to put lipstick on a pig" OMG! So bad. But I couldn't stop laughing
My female friends all said they don't get Palin. Sure we're younger the Palin but we "didn't row up in a cave" Her beliefs are too extreme
McCain still spewing FUD to Republican base. McCain "READ ME LIPS"
When do you think the last time the McCain's had sex? With each other ;)
HOLY FUCK MCCAIN. SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT VIETNAM. Tell us WHAT you're going to do to FIX what YOUR Republican's BROKE
McCain can't wait until he introduces Palin to Washington. Don't worry, journalist are going to have a field day with her
Wonder how much Cindy's pearl necklace is worth? They're real for sure
God get over his military career already. Vietnam was 40 yrs ago
Wow, Cindy McCain has ONE "token" black friend
Cindy McCain is making sick. Reaching for a garbage bag so I can PUKE. How about the DRUG ADDICTION Babe? Everthing wasn't that GOOD
Ready for McCain to tell us what he's going to do for us! Got my boyfriends "wife beater" shirt on
Ha, AP writer has performed a Fact Check on Palin's speech. And guess what?
Cindy McCain has taste and plenty of money. Vanity Fare estimates with outfit cost between $299,100 and $313,100
AP "Palin's pork requests confound reformer image" asked for almost $300 per person in from indicted Sen. Ted Stevens
So will Palin ask Levi Johnston to enlist and fighter in Iraq or Afghanistan? NOT


Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams sara Sarah Milstein Livia Stacy Jenson, dammit mai Maggie Mason Lane Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Aubrey Sabala Sarah Hatter Glenda Mirona Iliescu Joanne Wan Molly E. Holzschlag coffywoman Justine Alicia Elea Shane DutchAsHell kimbalina Mickipedia Jeffrey Zeldman Jeremiah Jemima Kiss Damiano Vukotic Barack Obama Ariel Waldman Mukund Mohan Michelle MacPhearson Steve Gillmor