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Society, mindset & resilience - Part 1: Over the past week I've travelled to Boulder CO and San Francisco meetin..
@Laure_Venier I so did not get twitter at 1st, but a friend said to persist & now there are lots of friends here
@sarah_crisman actually based on some his stuff from the spanish-american war twain would have relished the bush era as a blogger
well had a good time in san francisco and discovered some really good burgers (nobody else does burgers like that)
@bduperrin love the christmas windows in the stores much nicer than at home
@bck that's my reality ;)
@bduperrin a little, b4 leweb was staying in hotel close to printemps off haussmann so was compelled to shop
@Laure_Venier welcome - you'll find twitter's a lot like real life, you get involved & there's some amazing people & things to discover
@leebryant I actually refuse to go shopping again until january, can't cope
@davewiner you mean so they can brainwash the bloggers on editorial integrity ;P
@chichiri @fictillius yes even the worst seat in the plane on the singapore a380 is good
@limburger2001 and we're getting our scientists & engineers to export from where exactly??? hmmmm?
@fictillius flew out singapore/lufthansa which was gr8 & now they fly me home via #crappyqantas
listening to obama talking about this science agenda yestserday - not sure where he's planning to find all the engineers & scientists??
@fictillius trouble is you book on one airline & they code share to an airline you hate (like qantas) for one leg of the trip
next time will fly any other airline because qantas are crap
I hate qantas


Evan Williams Josh Kopelman Mary Hodder Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Dion Hinchcliffe Luciano E. Guerche Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Serdar KiliƧ Chaitanya Sagar Mick Liubinskas Phil Morle Greg Lexiphanic alan jones Chris Brogan Alex Rudloff Dan York Maxine Sherrin Nic Hodges Michael Newby Craig Childs lisa Antonio Altamirano David Stone Euan Semple Michael Specht Robert Scoble Krissy that grum guy! Nick Cowie ben barren Stephen Collins magia3e giovanni Tom
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