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Gonna go have some food and beer at Oggis in AV.
@mrman5917 I also love the history to the story as well.
It may be uncool but I really love 300. I absolutely can not wait for The Watchmen.
@wd9t bigest problem tay have IMHO is the contracts they amde with the unions.
@wd9t Why do they need the bailout in the first place?
Sad news that Forest Ackermen has passed.
6' 5" 6' 9" with the Afro.
Fletch. One of Chevy Chase's best. Better than the Vacation movies if you ask me. Although I prefered Kareem over Magic.
Why am I still up? The Ultimate fighter. I just love the homoerotic rolling round on the floor playing grab a$$. GRRRR
Only 3 days in and A Christmas Story is already on tv. Not that I complaining I like it. Bob Clark was one verstile director.
I can not belive the Lakers blew that one. I am still a little shocked to be honest.
Come on Lakers are you sleepy? Maybe you can play the rest of the game like you care and win the game?
@N8NOE handrolled no name in house brand. Got it free when buying Some Romeo Y Julietas. Not a bad smoke and I can't complain for being free
Having a cigar and listening to the you look nice today podcast.
@chrismatthieu really? I had already figured out the twist in the comercials. At least I saw it at the drive-in with some Hellboy2 I think.
@N8NOE not bolster security. acelerate the erosion of our rights.
New Post The week after Thanksgiving.
@N8NOE ibwould go with the CAO. My personal fav is Romeo Y Julieta.
@N8NOE a cigar is always in order. What do you plan to light up?
@FamousGuy I hope they rally and. An finish the game strong and win. And maybe you can get some tacos.


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