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Anyone else who uses a darkroom notice they close their eyes while rolling film?
Eating honey toast and waiting for the WoW servers to be up. It is totally not fair of them to be offline on my day off.
@daNanner Ha! I really want to have a winery and bottle some wine called WHINE. I think it would be popular. And nope, haven't blogged yet.
@daNanner And it's a family thing. But it's okay now. I just needed a moment to get whiny.
@daNanner *laugh* posted a post, or posted a whole new blog? You never can tell with me.....
@daNanner *hugs* My plans just got all wonky too. I'm not too happy about it.
Oh, the brief lovely moments when both the kids are quiet and occupied....
@sallysimpleton Hahaha! I just found an enchilada recipe featuring soy curls, but with cheese and sour cream. Um, what?
@beneluxboy Only the dancing of my alien-loving heart.
@fetjuel I dunno! I'll go shopping today and see what I find.
@tjw Oh! That thing in your office? I remember that thing. Okay so now I'm picturing an Omni Disco Team.
@tjw Is your icon Christmas lights? Because that's what I keep thinking of, and then I think, "Wow, Tim is sure a festive guy."
Whoa, open marriage on HuffPost, and a good article, too:
@RipeTomato Thanks! I do have some Braggs, and I think I know where I could find some Shoyu.
@RipeTomato Hey thanks! I'll try that! Wait, what's Shoyu?
@nikimaki I didn't catch the "BUCK" portion of your tweet ant thought, "A big rack on a BOY?"


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