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amazing to see the Tribune file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
@shultquist @rycaut @smperris @aeoth Yeah the Vista ranting was just rhetorical frustration - same old system and svchost items slowing it.
Dear Vista, how can it take you 15 mins to restart and then sit on 65% memory w/2G and 100% processor utilisation with nothing running yet?
@merejames Early days so far and have only done about 10 trails so far. Hoping to get more done while weather permits.
Colorado's system of hiking trails through the Rockies really is very good. They're well maintained and go to spectacular places.
The great businesses of the 20th century are dying: cars and oil, newspapers and TV, financial services. The 21st's are yet to be conceived
Off for a walk in the mountains in snow to think about media and technology.
Facebook Connect looks evil but easy. Attractive for stream integration. Like rats that raven down their proper bane...
@mediahunter That sounds like a great trip. I've been to Web 2.0 expo and it's chock-full of useful goodness.
@mediahunter Would love to get to SXSW but not sure yet if I'll be able to get there. Crossing fingers. TED would be awesome too.
@mediahunter Sounds like a plan (well the meetup and beer anyway) - I don't know I'll ever make a skiier! :)
@mediahunter If only I knew how to ski! :-) It is very beautiful.
First real snowfall for the season has Boulder looking like a winter wonderland today.
@jowyang Planes, trains, automobiles and walking, bundled with face to face time. :)
Kid3 wants to wear t-shirt and slip-on dunlop volleys to play in the snow @ -5 degrees. Insists I am worst parent ever for adding clothing.
Snow falling in the mountains is inspiringly beautiful. I hope I never lose my sense of wonder at its peace and grace.
@joshglid Yes agreed on both counts there :) Don't tell @mediamum I said that!
@tobiaspeggs OneRiot looks interesting btw and came over well. Good luck with it and safe travels back to SFO.
@tobiaspeggs Hey and some tweets didn't even make it through with the signal dropping out on my phone :)


Biz Stone Evan Williams Josh Kopelman veen Matt Galligan Mary Hodder Ross Mack D. Male om Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Dion Hinchcliffe Rob Hayes Manuel Viloria Kevin Cawley Dan Patterson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Serdar KiliƧ Chaitanya Sagar Mick Liubinskas Phil Morle Craig Kendall alan jones Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Jim Long Nic Hodges Michael Newby Michael Specht Robert Scoble that grum guy! Sarah Gary Barber
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