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Getting ready to shovel some of this lovely snow before it freezes solid.
Office closed at 2. Praying subway and commuter rail cooperate to get me home now.
@dvsjr if only my bosses (attorneys) would understand that.
@dvsjr Boston/Lowell... looking at 8-12 at last check.
Off to work. Hope the snow isn't too bad this afternoon, doubt I'll be leaving early today.
Going to be a messy commute tomorrow afternoon... what to do, what to do
7 car pileup on 93 north in Woburrn. Causing some serious traffic. Idiots.
@juliecolgan I have some of those myself, but in this case they do not count.
Some attorneys should not be allowed to use computers. Period.
Figured out what was causing my issues with WMI/DCOM. Guess I changed a GPO setting that I wasn't supposed to. Oops!
had a lovely day troubleshooting DCOM and WMI issues... and still not finished. love it when these break across the network.
Bring on the snow!
I think I am going to open a school for Boston commuters, cause most of them need serious help.
@jennsteele let me know if you find our fellow legal techies on twitter... I have wondered why there seem to be so few as well.
@KMHobbie appears to be working again... for the moment anyway.
@kevinaschenbren oko, now the FB twitter app is working again.
I love it when attorneys ignore directions and deadlines, then wonder why nothing is done correctly.
@kevinaschenbren if you search for Twitter in FB apps, you will see it, but it does seem to be broken at the moment.
Twitter Facebook application is broken. Back to updating multiple statues :-(
testing twitter integration with FB


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