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@ninosaurusrex AIEEEE!!!! I really miss that place
@graemem Tell me about it! I had to review a movie, for Christ's sake! At least you've got a good excuse
@geoffklock I agree--I was surprised by how much I enjoyed MI:3.
@cariku It's like the lazy person's telepathy: with just minutes out of every day, you can track @hermano's current hip-hop obsessions!
Dwarf Fortress sounds like the most insanely awesome thing I know I wouldn't enjoy for one single second.
@iheartsharks It's a great looking cake!!
@abayer It looks like they've probably added a lot since then, but since I'm not a Command Line Interface guy, it's not really my bag.
Looking into Abiword. No real reason.
@graemem Hooray--I was afraid Portland had devoured you guys whole!!
@hermanos Punisher: War Zone, the movie. If things are quiet this weekend, I might supplement with some quick book reviews & post Monday.
Finished review but it's far too late to post. Monday, I guess.
Nooooo, linear time! I don't care that I have five hours left on my shift, I wanna go home nowwwwwwww.
@iheartsharks I don't know if these are real vitamins, either. But eating about 8 of them a day makes for a nice placebo effect
@ninosaurusrex No worries--you'll get in to a good 2012!
Gummi vites purchased from Costco taste like gummi fruits. Gummi vites purchased from Walgreens--same brand--taste like ketchup. Why?
@ibrill Oh yeah. The Empire of the Ants story, right? I can see that
@ibrill As part of a LOEG: Black Dossier shout-out?
@Annaleen If not, it should be!
Back from Punisher War Zone, which Robson and I dubbed: "Punisher Beer Zone" owing to the 40 ouncers we snuck in. It was...enjoyably awful.
Up. Moving. Freezing.


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