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I'll buy you a Ham-Burger when I get back from the TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMB
Yep. Still hate landscape paintings.
New blog post: This Christmas, Give the Gift of Money. To Me.
Not like Gears 2. Not since Mac & Me has there been such an affecting, transgressive look at real issues faced by closeted space marines.
The graffiti in Left 4 Dead are a double-edged sword. I'm utterly charmed by the stories Valve didn't bother to write.
Marching Dynamics onstage now @DNALounge: rice paddy hats, Chinese split-side tunics, dust masks. Look no further for science (non)fiction.
At the @DNALounge, undergoing earthquake survival protocol while Winterkalte warms up. Aliens have landed on the roof; think we are try ...
Someone on this bus smells like sour cream. I will ask each passenger in turn, ready with my auxilliary tacos.
New blog post: Post-Apocalyptic Laugh
Nubble - noun, San Francisco - the stubble that accrues around the hard-to-shave nipple area in persons who shave their chests.
@JhnenVEE Pfft, I read the Giver in like, fifth grade. It's a baby book. A book for babies.
New blog post: Sneak Peekin': Sam Gets Licked


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