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@robotjohnny It . . . It's so soothing . . .
@radiomaru I think someone has a crush on you. u_u
@rabg I think you're in the majority. If Hollywood hadn't latched on to Scott Pilgrim, Mal and I would still be living hand to mouth, too.
@gmcalpin I imagine it's due to his thoughtful, intelligent cartooning. :|
Read this Rebecca Gopoian/David Heatley comic from the NYT. This isn't my life, but easily could have been:
(Although, on second through, that could be a brutal insult! Haha!)
It's always a good day when you get a letter from a friend and she compares you to JD Salinger. No such delusions here, but that was sweet.
So. Many. Cookies.
It's alarming that you can now go stand in front of our house on Google Maps Streetview.
@Rossaluss It's sold as . . . molasses. I don't know what the UK equivalent would be. Sorry!
Last nights cookies failed after all. Just finished re-baking with much better results . . . The house smells like gingerbread.
@timtfj No idea. Probably?
Narrowly avoided epic gingerbread fail due to blackstrap molasses and 1/4 of ginger. It's very, uh, sophisticated gingerbread.
@evantickles Don't worry, she's fine. This happened years ago, so we knew not to flip out. :)
@jilliantamaki Haha! Um. Maybe moving back to Asheville, aka hippie central, has affected my fashion sense . . .
I mean, what happened to Montrealers that made them so fasionable? Is it just the French thing? (I want to go back there and eat pastries.)
Just got my new earrings in the mail. I love, love, LOVE this woman's work:
@heartfeltrobot Sure! Be festive! I probably should have said something in my e-mail, but whatever.
@heartfeltrobot Thank you! That's all I wanted to know. I am gun illiterate.


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