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I am not entirely sure but I may have broken an internal bit laughing at the closing scene. Genius!
Best episode of The Big Bang Theory evar--EVAR!
Time to descend to the lab for an early recording session. Going to http://cc6bdaydc.eventbrite... tomorrow when I usually record.
New post: TCLP 2008-12-14 News
@chrisfixedkitty For me, it is only books especially since I keep finding so many nonfiction books to add to the list.
I know this is a common complaint, but my pile of books to read grows faster than I can read them. So much good stuff to get to.
Torrenting "Why Copyright?" so I can share at the CC 6th Birthday at Public Knowledge in DC this Tuesday. Surprisingly slow d/l.
New post: Week in Review for 12/14/2008
Being convinced by @kamikat that VHS/DVD has changed audience attitudes towards remakes that have always been with us.
I am relieve that @kamikat has changed the channel to "Them!". Much easier to ignore while I try to work.
Wow, this informercial must be true because it is so enthusiastic and is laden with pseudo-science and anecdotes! Hooray!
Working on production notes while @kamikat watches Meet the Press. Depressing rhetoric on the state of the economy.
@hoarder It's going to take me about an hour and a half to get there, but I am on my way.
Time to head out to visit with @hoarder. Running a hair late because I was helping a coworker get ready to switch to Linux.
Want to buy tickets for Shmoocon but they still seem to be having problems with online sales.
I am well pleased with my new work setup. With memory upgrade, dev tools, servers are humming.Synergy makes Mac access during builds smoov.
#having a cinnamon scone with my overpriced drop coffee this morning as a treat.
New post: Creative Commons Birthday Party in DC
New post: TCLP 2008-12-10 Book Review: The Hacker Ethic
@marcusramberg I wish FF was the hog, it is all these JVMs I need to run.


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