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(10.5.6 did install successfully from the manual non-combo download on Apple's site.)
OSX 10.5.6 update: frozen at "Configuring Update" on several machines (when updating via Software Update)
Played my first game of Go on Sunday morning. It was not pretty for me.
Where can I find a good fullscreen PDF mode on OSX? Preview has "slide show" but it forces you to page one & often loses keyboard focus.
@nalin Finally wrote that blog post about my perspective on Microsoft. Maybe answers some of your earlier questions?
Speak with Newton before launching Apollo.
The folks bought me a Go set for christmas. It is so finely crafted -- extravagant, even -- that I feel GUILTED into becoming a Go master.
@dmmiller A moment of weakness. I was at the U-Village buying cat food for Simon and NEEDED SUSHI RIGHT THEN. I actually complained to mgmt.
Get your Microsoft hipster on:
Dear Blue C Sushi: you may be "hip" and "stylish," but do you really think making me up-chuck my Maguro is the way to win a repeat customer?
Some tunes I wrote for laptop battles of yore:
tl;dr is a crock. It's a symptom of an unwillingness to consider issues in-depth and a fear of colorful (rather than utilitarian) prose.
@coonsta Have been looking at blikis as the ideal publishing thing. But no bliki software I've seen is much good.
@gk1 Crap, I let time slip past. Too late to call? Can do tomorrow instead.
Michael Stopp, the author of Supaplex, has a web page! He wrote Supaplex at a similar age to us & Infotron.
BassDrive Radio: good place to get your London d'n'b fix, if dangercast3 didn't satisfy. Live DJs, too.
(There's more, of course, but things worked out well in the end. I'm freelancing and my buddy Dave has a baby on the way and a job at MSFT!)
(You may wonder what happened to Code Orange. The story isn't terribly interesting: we hacked for a month before deciding it wouldn't work.)
Updated my iphone artwork tool to support OS 2.2.0:
Why is this new underwear sans flap? This is not stylish. It is MADNESS.


Geoffrey Grosenbach Daniel Sandler Ely Greenfield John Holmes Greg Whelan Lutz Roeder Othar Tryggvassen David Miller Dominic Cooney Logan Bowers Michael Dougherty Matt dwright Cultured Code aheron brentl clifff David Peck mmorearty nalin KatieBlanch Nick Robinson gk1