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I haz Juicy Fruit gum theme song stuck in my head. :(
@stupidgirl_no1 yeah. i gotta get on that stupid card task as well. grumble.
rt @msauers Arrested Development the complete series on DVD for just $28.99
@michele_lamorte ignorance is my guess - but this could very well turn into a nerd rant - and that would get @amberto all worked up
"Updating staff computers to IE7 as it's secure enough now" 4 days ago. Today: FTW:
@jaffne I iz calm now - cept I can't figure out how to properly edit my wordpress templates. NERD ALERT NERD ALERT.
@infobunny must've shot herself with her pirate cannon.
Just heard this, and now want the cd. ♫ - @michele_lamorte iz horrible tasting raspberry flavored "confection". I thought it was licorice. I was horribl ...
I have a week to go before two weeks of time off. This just came on my pandora. I have a zen garden. Things are... ♫
Am cultivating my zen garden. Iz harder than it looks.
Home from karaoke. Monday to get through - and then @markyezbick will be here and there will be cheer
Just rocked moving in stereo at karaoke. So. In ur face.
Off to the WAB to show support for the Millionaire.
@amberto oh yeahhhh. forgot about that.


bobcat rock George Edward Vielmetti infogdss29 Andrea Mercado Rex Sorgatz Stefan Pause Jenny Levine jessamyn west kate God hotdogsladies Betsy Weber Anne the Librarian Monica Harris Schmutzie photogamer Heidi Blanton-Hansen Stephen Francoeur Michael Stephens Felix Cohen Connie Crosby David Rothman David Lee King rochelle hartman Darren Chase John Blyberg Nanette Donohue K.G. Schneider Michael Sauers lo fi Holly B. Michael Porter Sarah Houghton-Jan cindi Linda W Braun
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