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@mcawilliams mmmmm beeeeeeer... need beer
@DarrenGreene not to worry.. the best presents get bought last minute. I should know at this stage.
@DarrenGreene I hear ya on the christmas shopping thing. Have only done about 15% of it so far. It's less painful in percentages.
@damienmulley I'll have one if you have one available!
@shortyawards I nominate @mcawilliams for a Shorty Award in #personal because... because... because of the wonderful things he does!
@mikeanywhere probably still not going to beat dell... although the smart money would go on a mac ;)
@DarrenGreene sounds a bit too much like work to be honest.. have a lie in instead! Scenery will still be there at noon.
web services seem back up.. but sql is still goosed
@damienmulley only noticed it in the last half hour or so
@DarrenGreene wish I'd known that before I signed up
@gavinsblog tempted to say blacknight.. if they'll give me a free account :D
@gavinsblog my space & traffic requirements are very low. Don't want to piss away money when I dont need all the bells & whistles
@gavinsblog are you joking me? I just finished a complete move from dreamhost the other day!
@gavinsblog right you are... but you know what I meant anyway :D
@DarrenGreene funny you should say that... couldn't get shell access to my account last night now it's dead altogether :(
anyone else having problems with getting on hosting365 hosted sites at the moment?
pleasantly surprised at what a nice building the digital depot is
discovered a new appreciation for being in a pub with wifi. In London, pint in hand, next to a radiator, on msn. Wonderful.
@redmum brilliant.. and of course it's the teachers fault because they're too soft on her. That woman needs a sharp dose of reality.
@donncha I had an impressive stash of it but it ran out quickly once it was withdrawn from the market. Ah well