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I just noticed a card some student was using during brainstorming with WILDCARD printed on it and on the back it had 'someone in it'
@emperorcezar did you bust a spoke or were they just loose?
The trailer for the Wolverine movie is bad ass, now I really can't wait for the movie to come out.
Heading to university holiday party. Wish me luck in this snow.
@assaultapparel That would be cool, we basically need someone that knows HTML, CSS and Javascript and is willing to work for beer ;)
@assaultapparel we are building it with Nitrogen, an erlang "web framework". We have the backend devs but none of us are good at web design
@assaultapparel its the website for beer enthusiasts that my buddies and I are working on.
Anybody know a web designer that would be willing to work on a sweet project with a sweet team but only get beer in exchange?
@egspoony that must have been a great experience on the flight. That is a lot better than any flight I have been on before.
You know it is cold out when your breath freezes in your beard.
Packing up to heading home from the office, but I really don't want to go out in this cold.
@redeyechicago I am hoping we can pull it out, but it will be a tough battle for both us or the vikings. Neither of them have easy teams.
@JessiO That is an awesome Christmas present. That makes me want to watch that now.
@leahjones I like it for the upstairs, that usually keeps the causal tea drinkers from interrupting me.
@leahjones congrats and I am glad your launch party was a success.
Zach and I got my tv mounted on the wall and it looks so much better now.
@leahjones I wish you the best of luck tonight with your launch party.
Heading to pick me up with Luca and Zach.
Why can't Arizona actually play in this game against the vikings, is it really that hard.
Heading home depot to get supplies for my home improvement project for the day, aka wall mounting my tv.


Harper Mark Smithivas Karl Fischer David Kadavy christopher finlay Jeff O'Hara Clint Ecker Jacqui Cheng Chicago Weather             whurley Shawn rentzsch RyanK Michael Wilde Scott Parkerson zodman Phil Gomes Leticia Gomes William Thresher Eric Tatro michael stevens Andrew Bassett Frank Gruber Leah Jones John Eckman Paul Cutler Tom Callaway Jim Campbell Sean Johnson Edgar Garcia DenaSaper ShoeMoney John Morrison Adam Israel Justin Copeland Charlene Chausis
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