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I should keep myself in between the pages.
I think 'harborcoat' is about escaping family.
It's a Man Ray kind of sky.
Landed. Kiss the ground.
On the plane; being de-iced. Send good thoughts.
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Well, getting to the Vineyard is proving hard. Stuck at Logan.
my 4 year old just called and asked "how do you carry a hedgehog?"
oh how I love April Winchell:
my albums redefined blog piece got reposted on tunecore and stirred up a ruckus:
listening to Mad Prof. Meet in Berlin grt. hard to find, but worth the hunt
Plans aren’t a product. I’m only effective when I’m working directly on a product. via @gruber
dbetsyflanagan wow. What bank? I'm in the middle of a refi.
enabled tasks in my gmail: i do love google; how'd they screw the pooch so badly w/ android?
Amazing dinner; then Other Music. Love that it smells like records.
Excited for dinner at Prune with @tbraganti
You know what's good about getting up at 4 am? Exactly. Nothing.
Well, I just set the alarm for 4am to catch my flight to NYC. Ugh.


veen Xeni Jardin Mr Messina Aubrey Sabala Dan Cederholm Caterina Molly E. Holzschlag Doug Haslam  C.C. Chapman ian c rogers John Gruber Hugh MacLeod Dean Cameron Allen Ethan Kaplan Amy Jane Gruber Alcor Daniel Jalkut Fake Henry Rollins hotdogsladies Pierre Omidyar celia blackwood Mark Earls Chris Schultz Michael Arrington stefan hartwig Edith Frost Fred Wilson David Sifry Alex Howard Peter Wells Candice Quates Stephen Colbert Cindy Royal Jason Kottke Jonathan Coulton Derek Sivers
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