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@probablydrunk Were you in camouflage and everything?
There's something very wrong about Bugsy Malone.
@probablydrunk Fancy a coffee while you're there? Or anyone else for that matter? I need a break from shopping.
I'm in town (Birmingham) ifanyone fancies a coffee.
is going to sleep. Goodnigh everyone; sweet dreams.
has had a very lovely evening.
A guy in the Chinese just said 'you look like Steve Hawkins, but I bet you've heard that before'. Er, no: I haven't.
Someone's thrown up at the bus stop. Nice. Perhaps I should photograph it for @getgood ;-)
Now my PC won't connect to the network. Work FAIL. This is bad. :(
@jonhickman Wow. Have you managed to not shop in all those places already this morning? That's some achievement.
Arrived at Coffee Lounge. Trying to work, but Outlook Web Access isn't updating my inbox. Hmph.
Leaving for walk to Coffee Lounge (getting there early to get more work done). Someone remind me to buy cat food!
Any of you remember how to optimise pdfs in Acrobat 5?!
@stuartparker Mornin'. You going to social media cafe?


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