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Having cereal at the kitchen table with my daughter on our first morning home. So very nice to be home. Arrivederci Italia.
Finished my full day of AIR for Javascript developers training. Looking forward to some wine and sleep. Free day tomorrow then coming home.
Arrived in Milan last night after a wonderful tour of Rome and Florence. Checking into MAX today and teaching my class all day tomorrow.
On the road. Visiting Rome, Florence and ending in Milan for MAX Europe and my AIR with HTML and Javascript Class.
Happy Turkey Day Everyone! I am going offline. I may update during the trip but no guarantees :) Rome here I come!
Wow, Ok. Bags are all packed. Now its time for the fantastic t-day dinner @simz_girl is preparing.
I had planned to get some good billable hours in today. But preparations for out trip to Italy are winning my time.
Fixing servers and updating flex 1.5 code... My day needs to get better really quick.
Looks like a full day a head. Gymberee then REI. Nap time leading into late brunch and then wine tasting.
Still feeling inspired after MAX. I think I need to add a topic suggestion form for my blog. Then people can give me ideas on what to blog.
@kveton I wish my little one understood the bribe. She quits fighting to cry for whatever bribe was offered and wont stop. :(
Just realized I am 5 episodes behind on heros. Thinking I might use tivo to go to put them on my iphone for the plane ride next week.
@reybango I agree. I didn't say that or even imply it. I said that my choice is about inconsistent implementations in browsers.
@reybango I have no doubt others would disagree. Thats the reason we have different tools. But I am ok with that disagreement :)
@barneyb Absolutely. JS works like I intend it to in any AIR client. Which is what I am missing in the browser. Someday that could change.
@barneyb Absolutely. It works like I intend it to in any AIR client. Which is the assurance I am missing in the browser. Someday that co ......
@barneyb I am taking my family with me to italy while promote Javascript in AIR. I am not against JavaScript. We value our tools differently
@robrohan I am not saying that it can't. The cost of maintanance is not worth the it to me, when I account for (up|out)dated browsers.
@Nosredna Amen to that! :) JS is an amazing when you dont have to worry about browser support! OO,prototype or functional codeing supported


Biz Stone Evan Williams Rael Dornfest Scott Fegette Mr Messina Josh Bancroft Matthew Gifford Scott Janousek Dave Winer Alicia Race brady forrest Justine Emily Chang Michael Koziarski Mike Chambers Ryan Stewart Chafic Kazoun Rich Oren Brian Solis phillip Snook Sandy Alex Payne Critter Kevin Starbucks Coffee Scott Kveton Aral Audrey Paul Mayne cote Craig Cmehil dan mcweeney Mike Downey Stef. dealingwith
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