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@touraj we just bought one at costco.
new Sure earbuds reminding me of that scene from Fletch- "got your whole fist up there doc?". going to take some getting used to.
@thepartycow systemic of a generation who want to leave it to the next to clean up after them.
@YuliZ loved it yuli! best of luck with
@jenmccabegorman that's why you should watch through the credits. she confesses to not raising and never wanting to raise again. surprise?
@thepartycow not sure I would live to see 2009 after eating that bad boy!
@manukumar pedal to the metal, and we're paying for the gas
@dwellman my favorite part is in the credits- I couldn't raise any money doing this and hope to never have to raise money again!
@aweissman amen! and there's a reason we avoid them at all costs. we've seen how that movie ends way too many times.
school Christmas programs are one of the many perks of parenting.
we've built a pier for the auto industry not a bridge. even the most nimble start up can't makes such sweeping changes in 3 months
Look, San Francisco, I know you don't want me to leave but delaying my flight by 3 hrs seems a little passive aggressive. see you in '09!
Christmas protocol at OATV: @markj gets the wine, I get the cards. c'mon people can we get a little more creative?!? Getting hosed here.
last board meeting of '08 in the can. humbled by the amazing board members and entrepreneurs I get to work with.
@VCMike 'lil play on
I'm in UR b0rd meeting eating UR chclt cuvred almondz!
@mjasay thanks for the tip on skilodge. I'be been using the ski utah app and its utterly worthless.
going to either be eating breakfast with a CEO candidate or eating a CEO candidate for breakfast
@puppetmasterd great link, thanks! wow, tough crowd over there
@raifb beautiful boat!


Evan Williams Josh Kopelman Chris Fralic veen Jason Shellen Chris Sacca Matt Galligan Brian Walsh tedr Kurt Schrader Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Daniel Jeff Bonforte Scott Beale Rob Hayes Jason Calacanis Nikolaj Nyholm Christine Herron lane joshua schachter Caterina Thor Muller brady forrest Amy Muller Jyri Engeström Andrew Parker Meg Hourihan ian kennedy Pamela Laird Greg Stein Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Bradley Horowitz Ben Cerveny
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