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I really hate US Air ... Going to be a long night in airport.
Awesome nice interception & TD -- now if the Brown's offense could just do the same thing!!
@alightman good luck - 'it's begining to look a lot like christmas' ... which for flying is no good ;)
I voted 4 Nate - RT @innonate: New York Tech Meetup members, I'm asking for your VOTE: | My platform:
Happy to endorse @innonate for NYTM Organizer
Did Mazda really run this poll on LinkedIn? 'Why do you take the longer route to work?' 85% of repondents don't #StupidAdSpend
wow, absolutely exhausted -- going to bed!
@ptamaro I'm not familiar with Oril, what is the connection to shopping 2.0?
Need 1 more guest for Shopping 2.0 on RWWLive tomorrow at 3:30 pm PST. Who would be good?
RT @mSpoke: Interested in learning more about the NG / mSpoke Related Content Widget? Free Webinar -
Has been standing at the bus stop forever!
Just to much stress to sleep right now -- working on the mSpoke website instead.
@seancolombo I don't know them. Can you make an intro? Sounds like a great guest.
RT @ReadWriteTalk: Know anyone who should be on the next ReadWriteWeb Live -- the topic is Shopping 2.0? (Tuesday at 3:30 pm PST)
How do *you* embargo news till 12/9 and then Twitter it a moment latter? I think you just broke your own embargo ;)
Was asked ... 'who is __, he friended me on FB and ur the only mutual connection?' -- _ is a good guy but still poor - Friend ppl you know!
Just paid to become a memberof the Open ID Foundation - why? b/c open standard based authentication NEEDS to be the future of the web!
RT @mSpoke: Nice @gregr posts about the NewsGator/mSpoke Related Content Widget --


Biz Stone Evan Williams Josh Kopelman Chris Sacca Dick Hardt Ross Dave McClure Mr Messina Scott Beale Dave Morin Jason Calacanis brady forrest Scott Hussein Rafer Andrew Parker Brian Solis Tantek Çelik ian kennedy greg cohn Bradley Horowitz Robert Scoble Ryan Carson Evan DiBiase dotBen Zach Paine Kevin Marks CenterNetworks Matt McAlister Brian Cavalier Jeremiah ed costello fest mob Darth Vader eric engleman Nate Westheimer microformats
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