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AdSense and Analytics linked. Let's see if we can learn anything from it.
For Christmas I want more projects, but less to do. kthxbai
Can't get Fluid to work with Google Calendar.
I am following only four of the top 100 Norwegian blogs. I hope it says more about me than the blogs.
@cspelsor Where's the pic? I need proof of the suit.
Out doing Christmas shopping with the Wife.
@JoePolek Coach, if you need some help with basketball drills, I have more than 1000 of them for free:
@jbflynn If you need some help with basketball drills, I have more than 1000 of them for free:
@hydeparkorama If you need some help with basketball drills, I have more than 1000 of them for free:
@lauren814 If you need some help with basketball drills, I have more than 1000 of them for free:
@smilespray Skatteetaten owns me in more than one way
Just paid a bill that ended with 666. Seemed appropriate, somehow.
Safaris "Reopen all windows from last session" has fail. Cost me a bunch of links. Back to Camino for me.
@thevideodog Let me know how you like it. Good luck with your team!
@BarryJSmith If you're looking for basketball drills, I have more than 1000 of them for free:
@thevideodog If you're looking for basketball drills, I have more than 1000 of them for free:
@Funchilde I hope you find my site useful! Let me know how you like it.
@jarledb Samme her. 5 så langt, vil gjerne være med å lage et helvete for dem.


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