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Should probably get to bed, the kid is waking up in 3.5hrs. *shudder*
@forteller They're different, but you can change your location in the profile. Some details in this thread:
@forteller Not much content yet, but indeed promising. I'm looking forward to read american textbooks without the anecdotes ;-)
@KJrishaug You the man! I'm still flicking on some stupid definitions and contextual stuff, but I'm happy there's not another week.
Thank God for Wikisummaries - crowdsourced book summaries:
@leolaporte I guess we're going to France then, non?
No Stevenote on upcoming Macworld (just a Philnote) in fact this will be the last from Apple ever on Macworld.
The MobileMe sync is a resource hog! With only a few other apps running my MBA becomes almost useless while it's running.
@marienborg (Beklager verbalsnobberi) In short - brudd på sosiale regler:
@movito Sure, but still. I'd like to be offered something premium when paying: In terms of features, access, increased quality or similar.
@jeffcannata The original Richard Matheson 'I Am Legend' should do the trick. Such a classic:
@marienborg Neppe en alarmerende faux pas på den arenaen skulle en tro.
@KarstenM My thought exactly, and then I'd do an occasional daypass for whenever I'm having a party or something like that.
@marcusramberg Hehe, you're right. Ads as in multiple reruns of "Hi, I’m Gary from Snow Patrol..."
Are the incentives to pay for Spotify premium good enough? I used to pay for it, but now find the ads to be very little obtrusive.
@KJrishaug It just seems endless and never reaches an acceptable quality level:


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