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Switching me technology off now until tomorrow.
@karmadillo thank you! Mac won for me somehow (!) set of six plain eggcups (get thru them fast in this house!). Bargain.
@PangaeaOrganica been sampling more of your lovely coffee today -
Finally feeling human after bug. Will catch up on work, life and universe tomorrow. Logged in to mac to find has won egg cups on ebay.
Has sussed out the little script been working on. Can hear laughter in the other room, Harry Hill must be a good 'un tonite. Gonna go watch.
@GrahamRichards thanks! Kids got over it in 24 hours, so keeping my fingers crossed.
Fireworks are going off outside.
@amyrsward same here! Sadly didn't get to net tuesday this week, as fell asleep, and now up and down with nasty bug. Get better soon!
@premasagar yay! Congratulations to you all!
Wishing everyone at @sicamp a fab weekend of innovation!
Slowly returning to life after another bought of lurgey last night. Shopping this morning. Crimbo pressies for the reli's time.
@watfordgap nice way to end a week! Congrats to Navca (and the other 2 too!)
@tombeardshaw It's a nice idea, like it!
@tombeardshaw all looks great, love the branding... one quick q - how does a baby tweet?
Cute logo! RT @aeioux @odadeo NEW! Moms and Dads to be: Get private Twitter messages from your baby during pregnancy:
@Foomandoonian like the 80's badge lots!
@citizensheep there was this a while back, not tried may be others out there too.
@chrisandharvey king was great. Had his crown on too low so ears stuck out like a chimp. Was good though! Remembered his lines too!
Unimpressed at the timing and onslaught of me catching the kids virulent bug last night. Fun not. Trying to catch up today.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Blaine Cook Paul Morriss Scott Beale Robert Brook bobcat rock Molly E. Holzschlag Corey Pudhorodsky Chris Brogan Rob Cottingham Beth Kanter Philip Campbell Antonio Altamirano Tantek Çelik Hickensian Si Jobling Lee LeFever pixeldiva Veerle Pieters Paul Boag Paul Carruthers laurence timms Robert Scoble Christian Heilmann Ryan Carson Russ sizemore Grégoire Japiot Nancy White Johnnie Moore carl rahn griffith Tom Reynolds Malarkey Marnie Webb
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