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the coyotes howling tonight sound especially like creepy wailing.
i designed fuckeduuuuup shit for the end of this Fear Agent arc. i think Rick's ending for this one'll knock you on your asses.
how the shit have i never seen this obviously awesome movie? CHOPPING MALL!
That's not to say that i look forward to the Frank Miller-directed Buck Rogers movie that i foresee actually being produced.
if there was a great script that he didn't write, i could maybe see a Frank Miller-helmed Buck Rogers working. like an old serial, but crazy
i think Anderson Cooper's haircut would look good on me. i need an interim 'do while my buzz grows back out to a pompadour.. thoughts?
i can't believe i got paid to draw an M3 tank crewed by flaming skeltons... some days, life is extra good.
@kevincross color me jealous. i've been wanting to see them since Battlecry Under a Winter Sun came out, and still have never made it happen
@remender, yes Three Inches of Blood definitely sing to the skull with the best of them.
David Lee Roth Soundboard: Runnin' with the Devil.
SEVEN POUNDS spoiler: It's Gwyneth Paltrow's head.
our cat Figaro is the master of not being found. Just found him hiding in the last conceivable tiny space in my office, avoiding a vet visit
maybe soon, i can just think really hard about a picture and the computer can pull it right out of my head and put it on paper for me.
probably already been twittered, but SCIENTISTS EXTRACT IMAGES DIRECTLY FROM BRAIN very neat. also very disturbing
@remender Our house gets so dry in the winter, when i ran my neti recently it was like the re-composition scene from The Mummy in my sinuses
i didn't set out to listen to Rush, but it totally hit the spot.
this thing should get signal in the heart of the Congo or in the Sahara, but my damn Sirius is getting shit reception here in Dogpatch, KY.
@trishm no, you're not alone. i have no plans of turning in until the sun comes up. Turns out night is great for work because nobody bugs ya
@remender: Move back to the desert, Lizard-man. Seasons are for humans.
damn i wish i had the balls to ink like Jason Alexander.


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