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Question: Maybe I'm crazy, but is Palin wearing fancy RNC frames still? I can't tell.
My two cents on the Barone's 'joke' about the press thinking Palin should have aborted Trig:
Palin not clear on difference between NY Times, chain emails:
Sarah Palin doesn't draw tens of thousands:
Smooth jazz band proposes the electric slide. Democrats always blow it in the end.
Not sure on crowd count, but feels about ten times the size of a palin rally.
Irish cousin in town from Dublin to see Obama. U2 just came on at VA pre-rally. He feels at home.
Ana Marie Cox is blogging for TWI this week!
My thoughts on Palin and special needs talk. Seems like dog whistle tactic to reach anti-abortion base:
Ted stevens convicted and im about to take off for roanoke. Darn. Will have some thoughts soon.
In the rain, Palin stays on script:
@ErinRosa Yes, that's a new chant. So is "Bless her heart! Bless her heart!"
New Rally Chant: "Use Your Brain, Vote McCain!" -- Leesburg, Virginia
Palin in NC -- we will drill baby drill and mine baby mine.
Arriving at a rally in north carolina.
Palin press bus broke down. Then we drove 10 miles with the luggage door open in the new bus. Flack assures us that "everything is there."
This rally doesn't feel as macho as a NY Times article described recently. Feels like a family event. Groups of teens and seniors too.
@pfoinkle Yep. At a rally in Kissimmee.
Tshirt: Don't tax me bro (o is Obama logo)
Gov. Charlie Grist is here: We've got to deliver Florida! John McCain and Sarah Palin are counting on us! Let's get it done!


Maia Nolan tpmmuckraker NiemanLab