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Anyone have either a hacked AppleTV take 1 (basically, an old one) or an old AppleTV they want hacked?
With Vista, Microsoft's managed to duplicate Linux/Unix's user permissions. Circa 1982. Which were bad. And Confusing.
Google: It's awesome that you're supporting iCal syncing - now can you get your shit together on auth so it doesn't log me out every 5 min?
Huzzah! Greasemonkey's back up. And 3.1Beta is much, much faster than 3.
... Except for Greasemonkey, which is stubbornly refusing my every attempt to run it. :-/
Ok, finally folded and hacked FFX's extensions to work with 3.1b2. I'm a whore for new browsers.
Sometimes the hatchet's faster than the scalpel. It's a hell of a lot easier, too.
A note on Finance: It's an 'investment' if you know how it's going to make more money. Otherwise, it's an "Asset"- pronounced "Gamble".
Climate control in this office operates in a pretty sloppy range. It's never Too cold or Too hot, just not right.
“The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.” - John Kenneth Galbraith
@inkedmn I hear your film is available in very high quality on some fairly well known sites. You know, given that you've already paid & all…...
Why am I still reading the name "Joe the Plumber"?
@robknight Or want to look even marginally professional while still using a stable framework... :-P Still, the skins are making me think 2x.
I've never seen a more terrible collection of skins than the ones available for MediaWiki. Seriously, Seriously terrible skins.
@harlanlewis Is JS ever Explicably functional?


Marina Martin Damon C Rob Knight Tracy William Lawrence Brett Kelly Rex Pechler David Beach Ryan Sholin Dave Seah Christopher Robin Brad Bergeron Remember The Milk Jeffrey Walker Wesabe dead account. Sol Lipman David Speiser boxee Margaret Rosas Bryan Hussein Booth Guy Kawasaki jcrow Harlan Lewis Greg Rose Amie Forest Michael Burns 12seconds Chantelle Oliver Peter Chester Shane Pearlman Mindi Lawrence eurotario Quiddities gosheree