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This is my serializer. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Lessig to head Harvard's Safra Center:
The Day The Earth Stood Still review: heavy handed, only mildly related to source, but worthwhile. Cry count: 1
A good time to startup? Let's just say that Ben Ward is on LayoffTalent:
Wow. Verizon's address finder can't find a damn thing. They should go buy a clue.
@poinky Multiverse is canonical platform as product. It's a tough row to hoe.
@poinky I worry for those building platforms as product (e.g. VastPark) instead of VW as product.
What did I do as a freshman CEO? I built a platform. Ouch, baby. Ouch.
The platform quote was from the GameClay postmortem:
I'm reading a lot of startup postmortems. The best ones are from 3+ months after FAIL.
"1. If your idea starts with “We’re building a platform to…” and you don’t have a billion dollars in capital, find a new idea. Now."..., a Red Robot Studios production:
My goal for today is to get enough in place to run the "game loop" for my seekret new project.
After using Django for a few projects, I feel that Sun should be ashamed of the web developer time they've wasted with their EE efforts.
@mndoci Ha! No, I mean all the people who take business air travel because they can't or won't figure out how to use the web+telecom.
Yay! A new Carfree Times is out!
For the love of Pete, stop flying your body around just to have a conversation.
Heading to a #crosscut investors meeting, for some reason.
Is it wrong that when I see things like Sony's 16k person layoffs I immediately wonder what startups will benefit from the new free agents?
A brave sentiment: Not My Gorilla


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