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What a rediculous hold message....they need to add "and over charge you every step of the way " to it someplace
I must say it is nice to not have to lug a laptop all around.
This is above and beyond for grandson duties. I had better see a nice bonus. Or at least a huge thank you.
It should be illegal to be in this poor of a mood...ever
Nothing more annoying than a cut air hose at the gas station.
Nothing quite as cheery as a postal anex in the morning.
thumbs up to WB for offering the Dark Knight as a digital download. Thumbs down for wrapping it in Windows DRM
I feel like the hero going to battle the bad guy. Except I know the bad guy will lose.
Sweet! The BB storm opens zip files. Niiiiice
ack! something is amiss with the skitch servers. All kinds of silly database errors on the page
ever had the feeling that it is going to be _one_ of those weeks? I did about an hour ago and the feeling keeps getting _stronger_
omg, will some please buy a camera already (funny shit, NSFW)
The problem with family much space do I get here again?
@Timmee 1 processor and 512MB of the RAM. But it's not enough. I would bet that I need to reinstall
@jwiltshire we get both, plus a discount on the toll roads. All controlled through a special RFID chip in my license plate
Frys is crazy today
VMWare Fusion is completely crippling to my machine. Like, special license plate and everything
@jwiltshire not bad. I thought it was going to be a balled up bar napkin.
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