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Thanks to insomnia, I have now read the entire internet before 7 am.
Thinking I need a reboot. Also thinking about mechanopomorphization and its impact on our sense of self.
Green Bay game at Shitty O'Shagnasty's.
Playing a harmonica during instrumental breaks of a Johnny Cash song at karaoke = the awesome.
It's crazy day at the dog park -- the people that is. Did you know you could bank your dog's cord blood?
Alas, I cannot recommend Founding Farmers.
AFF roundtable with @kathleenohearn, then dinner at Founding Farmers with @kidsilkhaze. Nom nom nom.
It's snowing in Houston and 62 in Arlington. Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules?
At a Cato event and do not know a single person in the audience. Very bizarre.
Lawn, home improvement, Bears game, beer brewing duties, work, clean house in prep for cousin's visit tomorrow.
Bill Jefferson lost his house seat tonight. This is a sign of a massive attitude (and yes demographic) shift in New Orleans.
Reason happy hour at Big Hunt, despite being Sofa King tired.
Just got reverse Rickrolled by @danielsacks. Is there a name for this -- promised Astley and given something else?
Practicing manly arts, much to chagrin of dog, property values, sanity, and ego.
Rock n Roll Hotel.
First tweet from my new Blackberry Bold. Sorry family, no time to be social over Thanksgiving. I gots a new toy.
Bowling at Fort Myer.
AP: "Bailout boss [Paulson] finds time for Reagan." Oh, the sad irony.
Filled up in New Orleans for $1.69 per gallon. Thank you, greedy -- er, generous and philanthropic -- oil speculators!!!