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wtf is up with iTunes not updating my podcasts? Anyone else experience this?
one thing I know for sure, jelly bellys are delicious.
had nothing but just chips, stress and a ton of caffeine today.
omg. this is awesome:
wow, what an inspirational story. I feel so privileged to take part is such a historical event.
with everyone else suffering from the current economic status, Exxon Mobil has record profits!
@benmaldonado I know it involved teriyaki at some point
aw man, if i knew about this sooner i would totally of done this for halloween: . yea, i a effing nerd
Man, I would love to see one of those segway cops chasing down a suspect...
Sarah palin on snl was amazing
Headed home. 3 hours to go
Headed to spokane in a van full of dudes, smells great.
Shortest set ever. Two songs and the cops show up. fun anyways.
if your going to do some javascripty web forms. please make the enter key submits the form. users are expecting a form to act like a form.
Left side of my head has been hurting since I woke up this morning.
Dear apple, why dosent my iPhone know the difference between real open wifi and hotel or tmobile wifi? Don't connect unless I can use it.
@benmaldonado and @coomer. Some mighty fine bug squashin today!
@benmaldonado, Its hard to believe that this thing is almost shipped


Tantek Çelik Kevin Rose Scott Ruthfield joe heitzeberg Don Shanks algard Christian Coomer ben maldonado Gary Samson fwd-fwd-fwd AlisonVB