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two puppies are asleep. they wore each other out this morning. time to catch up on emails and get a little work in
@MackCollier omg, that is horrible. what is wrong with people?
getting ready to eat some antipasto. there's still dinner and lots of @lisahoffmann 's pies to be had! we're just getting started
my cake makes me think of all the pie that we will be having tomorrow. @lisahoffmann makes good pie!
@SheShoots oh god I have no idea. I forget everything :)
just put the banana cake in the oven. smells so good in here.
@Meroko Thanks! He is as sweet as he is adorable :)
@spxds yeah he is pretty cute :)
@EyeCharlotte Thanks. We are in love with him!
Meet Frosty, our 4 pound 4 month old Mini Aussie puppy!
@SheShoots I was all excited about my bagel and than you have to go and mention DD! hrrrrumpf!
@LisaHoffmann me too! I'm so looking forward to tomorrow. Can't wait to try all your pies :)
@brettspeak we are going to my inlaws, about 4 houses away. I am sure she'll supply us with leftovers. I'm not sure what I was thinking ;)
though now that I think about it my MIL will be cooking for an army, so I'm sure we will have plenty :)
this will be the first TG in a long time that I haven't made a turkey and all the fixins. Will miss the leftovers
enjoying a very NY egg onion bagel
consulting the weather glossary for names for the our new puppy!
back from the BEST weekend! I totally need a vacation though. I can't go to bed at 5am every night and still function the next day.
about to get into the jacuzzi...
@brettspeak depends on the CMS. Which one are you looking at or are you looking for recommendations?


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