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Thinking that we should change the phrase 'camera-ready artwork' to 'output ready' or 'production ready.' Guess it is like 'horsepower.'
After raking leaves this morning, re-reading a favorite book and watching the rain fall. Listening to Prairie Home Companion on the radio.
Running some errands, stopping by @shopbonniej and getting things ready.
@9to5to9: I was freaked out with all digital files too, but subscribed to Carbonite this year. For $50/year all files are synced and secure.
@BDUBweitl: If you can't find a tree there, try Lortelli's on Claratina. They have great trees, reasonable (marked) prices and good lifespan
Doing a bit of writing and then heading out to a friend's house for a Christmas party. Never know - just might see you there.
@lectroidmarc: Many times old prints of mine have gotten wet and a quick dunk in rinse fixes em right up. Cant say the same for a melted CD.
Designing an ad, watching Funniest Home Videos and hoping this scratchiness is allergies, and not the start of a head cold.
Loading up a thumb drive with a boatload of files to work on at home tonight. Would do it here, but feet up and fire going sound muy bueno.
All I ask is PLEASE consider the downstream implications before making changes. Discovering problems at the time of failure isn't cool.
Over the summer, helped raise $$ for; it is being delivered tomorrow, and dedicated at end of year. Very proud.
And with Santa's appearance on the back of the firetruck, another holiday parade comes to and end. Pretty good one this year.
Watching the parade roll by, and the flame-baton twirlers were really, really impressive.
Headed to @shopbonniej for a couple hours. If you are at the parade, stop by for some hot apple cider and holiday cheer (& shoes) 1020 J St.
Updating website for @shopbonniej this morning, doing some laundry and will likely work a shift at the store tonight during downtown parade.
@amyzquinn: With guests@ PHL, I would say 'Welcome to Philly,' immediately followed by porter shouting 'Watch your back!' Oddly appropriate,
@TonjaC: Claytons, on H Street. They also had a really nice strawberry iced tea.
Had a great lunch with friends today - culinary highlights were the potato/leek soup that was sublime and that the burger tasted like meat.
@lancearmstrong: Looking forward to seeing you come through Modesto on the Tour of CA next Feb. If need a place to crash, just say the word.
After spending Tuesday with fellow photo-friends, found myself browsing B&H last night for new gear, and how I could justify the cost.


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