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I feel sorry for ESPN, who still thinks they are required to report on O.J. Simpson. I think his notoriety as an athlete passed long ago.
@steve! Definitely one of the best matches of the season, although I was cheering for Everton.
2008 Death Cab for Cutie concert on HDNet tonight.
watching Everton v Aston Villa
attending the internet service live - check it out
buying domain names, because I am a weak, weak man. I think I should put a pairNIC gift certificate on my Christmas list.
@sco those are awesome...very well done! all the hard work looks very worth it. and the shower is just as impressive as Brooke described it.
Watched Ben Stein's "Expelled" documentary last night. Very well done and thought-provoking. http://www.expelledthemovie...
Figured out this morning that I can make 8 vanilla chais at home for $5 or get a grande for $4. Home it was...delicious.
@gapingvoid there's a Mike Doughty song for that and similar sentiments
@SanLei only @amcmanus would be mean enough to ruin your last day.
@etherbrian if you feel compelled to romantically engage the horizon, you are excused.
Which is worst? A standard splash page, a flash intro, or music that plays automatically? Include a link to any site that does all 3.
@retrophisch impressive! mostly fiction or non-fiction? also, thanks for the Derek Webb link - one of my favorite songs.
Amazon MP3 has one of my favorite albums of the year for $5 this weekend - Lucinda Williams' "Little Honey"
@jarrettfuller impressive! a lot of great books on your list, too.
@etherbrian is there nothing rock n roll can't do?
Friday question: how many books have you read this year (and there isn't a wrong answer)? I need to finish a book this month to reach 12.
@JulieLeung beautiful. I wish I had written that (or maybe taken the time to express it).


Blake Burris Dave Morin Sarah Hatter Josh Williams Scott Raymond Nick Finck Hugh MacLeod Chris Merritt Nathan Smith David Russell Chris Turner JulieLeung Keegan Jones Brooke Raymond Steve Rossen Bobby Gruenewald Terry Storch Eloy Ramirez Ben Bailey Lori Bailey etherbrian Mark Driscoll Scott Magdalein Shane Dennehey Clay Newton Nick Jones Phil Crissman Jeph shel israel Andy Knight Jim Minatel Jeremy Kemper James Timbrell Kevin Rossen MissyHannon rickchatham