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yum...tomato basil soup
at times wishes she didn't have the ability to be both happy and sad in response to other's discernment
grateful for good support during stressful times.
@jonestony you're in some good company. :)
another ultrasound in a few minutes - hopeful that the baby has turned. hope-full.
basil is moving like mad. will he turn?? its both fun and freaky to see one's stomach move from the outside
is zoning out - am i tired? getting the crud that the el has had? or the other crud that bug has been spreading? or all three - joy!
hope is brewing.
:: baby is on the bladder
snoring children everywhere
ben's been asleep for hours - poor kid - he's so full of the snots.
@dlibbon ohh...i love the mt. pleasant parade!
all extra mental energy is going to trying to get basil to flip - and praying that baby anna will, too!
had some good ellie/mommy time today.
flip, basil, flip!
awake again in the middle of the night trying to coax basil to flip friend tina posted her fb picture upside down until basil and my friend sarah's baby anna turns! ahhh...solidarity!
an eventful afternoon/evening ahead
@emergentvillage how do you keep up with it all???
deconstructing christmas while sitting on a yoga ball trying to convince my son to flip


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