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So happy Amy went back to K'zoo this morning on new tires.
Working on some Ford stuff and waiting for a conference call late this afternoon on Toyota work.
Watchin' the snow and thanking God for the wonderful grilled chicken and salad that we had for lunch.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of my darling tweets!
Chocolate pudding cake is done. Pumpkin pie in the oven for tomorrow's feast!
Thinking about roasted salmon fillets for dinner ... yum!
Praying the weather clears up by Wed. so Amy can get home safely on her balding tires.
@Jasph Liquefaction? I better start wearing something other than jeans and sweatshirts if guys are expecting liquefaction.
Decompressing from a day of working on Toyota stuff. Looking forward to the Pistons / Cavs match-up tonight. Hope I can stay awake!
watching a Hollywood snowfall outside my window. On top of the lawn covered w/ leaves, of course.
Doing some work for Toyota today. Meeting leader guides are not my strong suit.
@Jasph Does blogger allow you to block certain IP addresses? You might try that. As long as I've been blogging, I've had few trolls
Going to the women's breakfast at church.
Amy's home for the weekend and I'm getting some work done. Got a conference call at 3:30.
pistons trading Billips and McDyess to Denver for A.I.????!!!! I'm positively gabberflasted!
Writing Ford Frontline articles.
Just got back from Peer Mentor training for working with transplant and dialysis patients. Pretty intense day.
Getting some work in today. Quite a lot of work, actually. Will keep me busy for the next 3 weeks or so.
Awesome roast chicken for dinner.
got car insurance refund for Amy turning 21!! Woo hoo!!


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