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Meeting over. Now to finish up a short translation and get ready to head back home.
Time to put on a suit and tie. Editorial board meeting, zzzzzz.
Printing New Year cards for the folks at
Just video-chatted with the parents. Sakura was silent the whole time.
Back from a walk and lunch at the local Chinese greasy spoon. (Greasy chopstick?)
@pastebud Crap, now I have to ask for an iPhone for Christmas to play with your new toy.
@sandbaggerone It'll be in _Japanese Book News_ no. 59. Once it's out you can get it here:
On the Chuo Line home, correcting papers.
@darintenb Only when doing a bit of posting at the blog . . . Can't tell you much about its settings and innards.
Now translating an essay on modern shifts in Japanese religiosity.
@darintenb WordPress with only static pages and comments turned off? ExpressionEngine might be a pricier option.
Time to crash soon. Now watching some nighttime TV for the first time in along time.
@ejacqui by living with inconsiderate humans who don't wash their hands and gargle when they get home
Hanging out in Apple Store Ginza
Lunch plan: walk to Ginza, see Apple Store, eat Subway sandwiches
@mellowynk I had mine in miso soup!
@tr4nslator When does come to life?
Back from lunch. Indian food = tremendous victory for tastebuds.


Josh Bancroft David Chartier Clint Ecker Jacqui Cheng FoO / RC Darth Vader John Siracusa Kirk McMurray Martin Gordon Joi Ito renegadeotv Ars Technica Zack (s-01) Adam Rice Jed Schmidt brett sparrgrove Tim Verpoorten Sockamillion Visigothan Adam Israel Jun Sakamoto Brian Won John Moltz Will Ed Waqar chintznibbles Brian Jay Wayne Walton Klint Demetrio Tsutomu Ohkura optimism Kenichi Ishigaki Perri Kennedy
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