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@sjaustin Got three more of those in the fridge. I'm feeling WAY to crappy to enjoy a beer right now, though. I can't smell or taste a thing
Smuttynose Old Dog Brown Ale. Last one in the fridge.
@andrewosenga And I'm looking forward to it. I'll be in Schenectady on Sunday.
Started Season 2 of The Office tonight.
BHT Advent Blog open!
Another Thanksgiving meal tonight. Hopefully leftover turkey this time.
Brooklyn Dark Chocolate Stout.
CANNOT believe I sat Westbrook for this week's Fantasy Football matchup...
@sjaustin My Dad's got a Windows machine. I keep trying to convert him, esp. every time he calls me with another issue with said machine.
@sjaustin Good point. And I get iLife '08 for half price at U of R. Maybe I will upgrade.
@eatingwords The trash is only revolting for the garbageman. Diapers go straight outside into the receptacle, only smelled on garbage day!
Sophia peed on the potty for the first time this morning. now THAT's something to be thankful for.
@johnhalton holy crap, stephen fry tweets? I'm now following stephen fry.
@sjaustin iMovie. Everyone hates iMovie. I'm not sure I like what I'm hearing about it, esp. in comparison to iMovie HD.
@pennygersh That's just awful. I hate it when stuff like that happens.
Brooklyn Dark Chocolate Stout.
Wow. After reading reviews of iLife '08, I think I'll NOT be upgrading.
@pennygersh You could always export to iTunes, create mp3, then edit with Audacity.
tough FF decision this week: 2 RB slots, with Forte, Marion Barber, and Jones-Drew.


Chris Hubbs Rob Brazier Mike Frizzell Scott Austin Phillip Winn Greg Gershman Joe Thorn Jim Nicholson PolitiFact Aaron Smith truk77 sjtm2007 Steve McCoy Magic Hat Brewing Co fattriplet3 randyhoyt Penny Gershman Matthew Johnson Jeremy Father Spike crazygoatcheese HarryJPotter T M Gagnon spaetm alredd guynameddave HP Prognostications Eric Lee Richard Sayer bryanallain curryfingersnik Wegmans Arka Travis Prinzi risenarrow