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I am ok, lotsa sore and some bloodied parts but there is 1 beer in fridge & i have more stack overflow podcast to listen 2 so should b ok!
If u park off the driveway over the sidewalk -fuck you. If u just did that where i walked dogs around, tripped face into cement - fuck u 2X!
Trips to safeway grocers always piss me off so much, such crappy food. I know sounds snotty but cant believe what people are expected to eat
@davewiner my Tweeetckeck is super colorful and filled with avatars! pic
awesome! people are going into our Facebook Connect vs. OpenID mindmeister mind map and editing it!! hoped for that!
@centernetworks well I hope you clicked on it! and then bought some stuff!
RT @lawduck: @marshallk get that halo off your head, you ad-pusher. Unclean! [hey, the Halo department and the ad dept r seperate!]
digg hired PHP rock star Andrei Zmievski today more open source stuff coming probably
@centernetworks not that I know of, which are you refering to? in post text ads? have been doing those a couple of weeks I think
@ryansnyder ooh that's a good one. I think Ijust might write tomorrow about tips for ballancing family and tech work
nonprofit technologists Idealware on "why we tweet" pretty darned cool case study/examples
oh, and be an angel with a halo over your head everywhere you go. but maybe that's cheating - built in guilt trip for complaints ha
mine are: clean the house, try not to work past 8pm more than a couple nights a week and take 1.5 days off each weekend. working well so far
reminds me of a book I fantasize about ed'ing, maybe a post though. tips on healthy home/family life while still kicking ass in tech. yours?
heh Spouse 2.0 day is interesting
SimplyHired hired away a Monster VP today heh
@ahockley not the strongest point I made, for sure :)
@ahockley specifically the requirement that only trusted partners could use lightboxes vs pop-up browser windows
@ahockley saying that Facebook is secure was based on a conversation I had with @factoryjoe regarding the anti-phishing methods of FB cnx
Facebook Connect vs. OpenID - Who Will Emerge Victorious? with collaborative mind map of relative strengths of each!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams kellan Sarah Milstein Alissa Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell Jason Shellen danah boyd Mary Hodder Brian Walsh seanbonner Xeni Jardin Sean Ian Hay Wayne Sutton Ross Mack D. Male om Dave McClure Brad Davis Seal Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Brian Oberkirch Paul Terry Walhus Brij Singh Dion Hinchcliffe J Chris Anderson Tim Kersey Hillary Hartley Derek Gathright Martin Hall
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