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@cegeland As a Wings fan, trust me I know that all too well.
@cegeland They are amazing this year. It's their Cup to lose.
Who here video blogs? And if you, do which do you find easier: weblogging or voblogging?
These HP Elitebooks are pieces of crap. And they cost more than a MacBook. We should have just bought MacBooks and put Windows on them
Ok let me get this right, 65% of all 360's will fail. They have the RRoD, Microsoft knew they scratched disks and Sony is losing? Amazing
Microsoft knew, but did nothing about 360 disc scratching. It would have cost them 50 ยข per console to fix it.
Long and busy day. It will be this way until Christmas break.
@CaliLewis I wish Apple and AT&T would allow Qik on the iPhone
@motherpucker Maybe for @goaliegirl .... But Idon't know about ALL bloggers..... :)
Sorry for a very sad picture, but I think it needs to be seen: Merry Christmas everyone.
@nhldigest Marc Crawford is not very good. I'm surprised they've kept him on. This has nothing to do with my distaste for him as a Wings fan
@shannonpaul No I did not. I'll have to take a couple pics... Thanks! :)
Had to switch things up a bit and combine my favorite team with my favorite holiday!
@DeanLad08 now if only the Red Wings need a Wings blogger who lives in Minnesota ;) @shannonpaul
Wow. Winter has spoken.
@tinythoughts Apple is replacing topcases on MacBooks for the first two years even if it's out of warranty.
Watching Charlie and the Chocolate factory with the kids.
@okayokay Yes. it's nice to see them back together again


Josh Kopelman danah boyd Dave McClure Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Brittany Bohnet Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Justine Bill Palmer Veronica Belmont Daniel X. O'Neil Emily Chang Oyvind Solstad Mickipedia Robert Scoble Mel Kirk Martin Menu Jeffrey Zeldman Sarah Austin David Roth Macworld Julia Roy Dan Hendricks Kevin Rose Leah Meter Maid Leah Culver hotdogsladies Chris Pirillo Betsy Weber amber mac Gary Arndt WilloToons Cali Lewis Angela Robson
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