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Longlonglong ridiculous night...It's 8 in the morning and I need to go to bed. See you all in the, I guess. 'Night!
@yeahilikeit Me too! I use socialtoo instead of quitter but I think i'm done...I don't want to have to deal with low "twitter esteem."
@CraigTeich LMAO...awesome. I go back and forth between censoring myself and just saying "screw it." I usually go with the latter.
@CraigTeich But the thing is, if they don't say "hi" or something, half of the time I don't even realize they're there.
@Artmaker I'm following YOU :)
@CraigTeich Just kidding about's actually batman and granny panties least in my case.
@CraigTeich ...with your tweets and #3 reason people unfollow is (drum roll please)...vagina jokes.
@CraigTeich 1. Not following them back 2. They aren't following a lot of people and when you're chatty their tweet stream gets all cluttered
My followers rock WAY more than my unfollowers. Followers...I'm glad I'm following you.
@pugofwar I keep forgetting to tell you that you have one of my favorite twitter names. have one of my favorite twitter names:)
@rossphillips I bothers me that I'm bothered by it. Like...this is the stuff that bothers 13 year olds, not grown-ups, right?
I should maybe not get to know if people unfollow me. Turns out I'm sensitive about that sort of thing and I start to wonder obsessively
@alphonseha Honestly? Your picture. I follow a lot of people based on their pictures. Yours looks happy :)
My family would be so proud if I won this award: (hint, hint, nudge, shove, pinch)
@brett My ex used to do lights for them! He never had a bad thing to say about them...and he worked for some horribly behaved bands.
@RobertGirandola lol...I'm glad there are other people that realize what an honor this is :)
@amyknapp sent it via DM...sad, sad, ridiculous parents.
@brett Actually had the honor of meeting Adam Duritz and making a complete fool of myself in front of him...I got all "superfan" on him


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